dimanche, juin 05, 2005

Love Sucks... Sometimes

Sarah, if I still have my memory intact, you used to put 'luvsux' as your fake mIRC email addy, didn't you?

Uh-hurm, love does suck. It sucks your sense and judgment, your diet program, your cash... Pretty hazardous especially in times where you have nothing to do and think about.

It can get a little messy when my memory decides to have a playback. To say I have fully recovered (about Hariz? Healed. Totally.) is not really a suitable proclamation to make . Especially when it involves something that doesn't quite reach the proper ending. There's always the word 'Fin' or 'Tamat' or 'End' to use, ya know. Should I put a blame on my pheromone for attracting cowards instead of the 'normal' ones?


And why do I always have to be the one to call them for boardroom meeting???

Urgh, I am sounding like 'perempuan yang tersangat patah hati'!


I am not crying over the failed relationship. It's the way it ended that makes me sad and the fact that my 'excited former boyfriend' is a coward, makes me even sadder. Afraid that I will burn his shining new car upon hearing the news? Hell the worst I would do is killing him straight away! No car to drive when you're 6 feet underground.

For goodness sake, stupid! I am not a former asylum dweller! But then again, he has proven me right about maaany things. Thank you.

(and for those who know the identity of this person I am talking about, conceal it. For those who are eager to know, sorry! )

Oh, one more thing.

Men on the road = Big time jack ass!


(There's no reason for you to get angry if you are not one.)


There are three types of stomach pain.

1) Excruciatingly painful.
2) Excruciatingly excruciatingly painful, and
3) Excruciatingly excruciatingly excruciatingly painful

Excruciatingly painful : Mild diarrhea.

Excruciatingly excruciatingly painful : Full blast diarrhea.

Excruciatingly excruciatingly excruciatingly painful : Period pain.

I am having the second degree pain now.


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