mercredi, novembre 05, 2003

break is about to end and why do i sense that something 'bad' is going to happen next week?

my results, yeap. i've tried to push away the thoughts but somehow, they keep on appearing and having a helluva good time ruining my mood. i'm making an effort to throw some positive thinking but of no avail. slap me please...

that time has come and pimples are going to show up again. gosh, i was still enjoying my breakout-free period when one painful zit appeared 2 days back. DENGKI! there was one right at the center of my nose but i managed to put a stop to it before it grew bigger. THANK YOU GOD!

was busy creating a blog for a friend and it's basically done. only some minor changes on the configuration which i still can't quite figure out. ONE MONTH BELANJA MAKAN AAAA!!!

i need a theme song for this week. any song to boost up my mood, anyone?

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