dimanche, novembre 30, 2003

back to the past....KMM

i was browsing lan's pics gallery, inside the KMMers section and the first thing i had in mind was "heh, kmm, the deepest level of hell on earth but yet a wonderful place to be". being the second batch, we witnessed the 'dreadful-most' part of it and the having to endure with it for one whole freakin year. it's funny how a terrible place like kmm can create some of the most beautiful memories i have with me.

things about kmm and me:

1. the rules suck but it all changed when it's under the new management with new staff (yay to the 'blah' of razali, the perv ass)

2. the picket we had during the announcement of the SPM results. last last sume kene hangkut ke dewan. was invited to join but what can i say...i was (and am) a good girl. the protest was a failure anyways. results: tak dapat balik gaks....

3. the computer labs were the 'boogey down' spots for various types of viruses and worms. no internet connection. it's like we were totally being shunned from the outside world. our life was all about masjid tanah, gedung serbaguna, cendol, and kfc. tapik best gaks la...sgt sweet...

4.kamis malam jumaat: SUME WAJIB PI BACE YASSIN! but me, altogether with a few others did hide inside the closet for a few times during the spot checks just to skip the session. hehehe.

5.lalat! yeap, flies. they were part of the dishes served... eg: ayam masak merah dengan lalat, telur masak sos dengan lalat, bayam masak air dengan lalat, and the trickiest dish of all time-- ayam masak kicap dengan lalat! boy, u're damn genius if u can detect the flies innit!

6.kawat. still cant quite figure out the actual purpose of that subject... boots and pants and barret which were being used only just for a few months. mr putit, mr nordin and a few others. yet another memories i keep. :)

7."how would you like to improve 'radio kmm'?". that was my topic for what? english? whatever it is, that was the survey my group conducted when we were given the task. seriously... that 'radio station' was the LAMEST on earth! talking about the crappiest DJs ever! the songs were okay (tho i found it unbearable during its first few sessions) but they should have someone who has THE TALENT! not just someone that 'tangkap muat'.

8. i used to have a war with my former classmate, helmi sulaiman. he's a straight A's student. when it comes to studies, yep, he's so-called unbeatable, but when it comes to personality? i'll pass. he demanded apologies from us over some petty thing! that was very childish... very very childish. i didn't bother to say hi to him after that incident. what an egotistical asshole!

9. the guys in that place were pathetic! i mean, REALLY pathetic... especially those inside my class. geez, they treated the girls as if we carried some contaminated deseases. bila cakap dengan diaorang, they would try to keep enough distance. YA ALLAH! TERUK! and they were shallow minded bunch of people. malas arh nak mention mendalam.

10.pernah kene sound dengan sorang budak MAIP yang poyo. walhal mase tuh ade 4 orang lagi in front of me! for goodness sake! it was during daytime and i wasnt alone with that guy! and worst, she simply accused us dating. "ni kenape duduk dekat dekat ni? buat ape ni?" my god... okay okay... cant blame her...she's just being shallow... okay, u're forgiven... (p/s: buat pengetahuan kowang, budak sebelah akuk tuh iyelah ALIF and orang yg ade di situ at the same time were SHARAZMI, NODDY, YATIE AND NUR! hadoih!! *tsk tsk tsk*)

....to be continued....if rajin.

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