jeudi, juin 26, 2003


Sheez, programming early in the morning� and not forgetting a quiz during the final hour. Thank God the class is only for 2 hours. Another hour like yesterday�s will blow my head off. I have to face the fact that no matter what, I still can�t get the �feel� for C++ and I won�t be good at it. Give me anything but just leave out C or C++ please�

Rushed straight to 14 once I�ve completed the final question (tho I doubt I can get full mark on that�) to take Ida�s book. My arrival was greeted by some cheap machine-made music; like the one from musical cards. Best of all, the sound came from our Mami Jarum neighbor�an old Chinese lady who used to bombard us with WH questions from the first time we arrived. Kinda annoying in a way as it kept on playing till the time I left the house. I think it�s from the baby swing (as in buaian) as I did come across this �new technology� where they install this lullaby-player thingy mechanism along with the swing. Kononnya nak make the baby listen and eventually falls asleep after that�kononnyela� a smart ass ASS!


Argh! Why didn�t I read the website?!! Alif told me about the class cancellation when I parked my car. Great Kay, lain kali bukak mata besa2 sket! It�s clearly stated there and I can�t believe myself for not scanning the whole site! All I aimed was the notes and tutorial! Isk! Don�t mind tho as I don�t favor getting home early as it�s now in the condition of what orang- orang tua say as �tongkang/ kapal pecah�. Another week++ to go and then� KEMAS TIME!!! At this time, any help will be highly appreciated. Lets just put that aside for a mo.

Mom had a day off and that equals to NOT HAVING TO PICK UP MY SISTER FROM HER TUITION CLASS! The best part is when she ONLY replied my sms AFTER mom left. Someone really needs to teach her some attitude! She�s a J.E.R.K.


Still haven�t taken my bath and it�s like� 9.18 pm? Beginning to feel sleepy and I don�t think a sachet of MILD-3-in-1 Nescafe is capable of keeping me awake. Need to study the programs and figure out the way the whole craps actually work. *kluk*� head hits the keyboard�

No interesting programs on TV. That left me with no excuses of not executing everything that I plan to do today.

My God, this caller is PATHETIC! When the DJ asked about topics being discussed over dinner, this guy simply said �Rahsia�. Okay, I could actually guess his answer right after being asked. It�s either �Adalah�, or in this case �Rahsia� or �Discuss pasal anak berapa, rumah kat mana, kenduri kawen nanti macam mana�To be exact, about Masa Depan�. Alahai abang, jiwang karatnyerrr�tak boleh ke cakap pasal bende lain selain pasal Masa Depan? Banyak lagi stuff yang boleh dijadikan bahan perbualan. It�s not that I loathe those who do, but the same ol� stuff each time? Tade bende lain ke?( Trust me, I just know what those type of people like to discuss when being together�) What a waste of time!

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